The product is absolutely safe for anyone to use, irrespective of the age group. The product is of great help because it doesn’t only cleanse the vegetable you eat but also the fruits you love consuming.
The Veg & Meat Detoxifier uses ozone purification technology to get rid of every other harmful substance left over of the harvesting process.
Place the vegetable or fruit to be washed in a bowl filled with water. Switch on the machine, it will run for the preset time and turn off automatically.
The detoxifier works in a way where they kill the excess of any harmful substances while retaining the nutrients which are required by the body or for instance, the nutrients the food items itself possess. Also, the technology doesn’t lead to any loss in the taste of the items while extending the life of the vegetable or fruits.
By removing harmful chemicals and bacteria from the food, the Veg & Meat Detoxifier keeps the food items fresh for a longer time.
The detoxifier is capable of purifying each and every food like fruits, vegetables, cereals and lentils. The detoxifier will get rid of every harmful particle present in such food items. Additionally, you can also ozonize and purify various types of meat including chicken. You can be assured you are going to consume a healthy product after you ozonize them in the detoxifier for the required time duration. Make sure you wash the items after you have taken them out of the detoxifier, in clean water before finally cooking them.
All the Veg & Meat Detoxifier run on electricity. You can plug the detoxifier in any of the normal electric sockets and get going.
No. It is mandatory to submerge the stone diffuser in the bowl filled with water and it should not be dislodged while in use. Hence, it should not be used outside water.
No, you should not be using the same water for any other purposes. It should strictly be discarded after use.
No, there are no addition consumable parts in the detoxifier and neither are there any additional maintenance charges which come along with the etoxifier. The only charge you may incur is if your product fails to operate. You will have to contact the company for the repairs in case you face any issues. Although the warranty will take you for a time, at the end of the warranty you will have to pay charges for service, damages or sometimes for part replacement, as applicable.
No, the detoxifier have absolutely no side effect as the technology is not in respect of using any other chemical to get rid of the present chemicals, but is a way of reducing the effect of the chemicals by cleansing and purifying the food items. It sterilizes the items, getting rid of all the harmful chemicals, pesticides and insecticides. You need not worry about the side effects as the detoxifier done have any.
There is absolutely no reason for the detoxifier being a bad investment. Eating healthy is the absolute need of the hour, especially with all the challenging health conditions people have been facing. You need to be extra cautious and try to adopt every way possible which helps your body gain extra nutrients and proteins. Hence, this detoxifier is actually a pretty good way of retaining all your daily intake proteins. This is absolutely a great investment because the maintenance cost is nil and there is no additional consumable item requirement.
You get minimum of 1 year warranty. If you incur any losses or issues while in the period of warranty you can contact the company easily as the company stays in touch quite often.